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Become a RankedRight Security Partner

Join our partner program and unlock greater opportunities for growth

Partner Brief Booklet PDFs

What is the RankedRight Security Partner Program?

Business growth is driven predominantly by two things: efficiency; and the ability to provide customers  with greater value and expertise

With RankedRight’s Security Partner Program, you achieve both of these thanks to our advanced vulnerability prioritisation platform.

One of the most time-consuming tasks within vulnerability management is manual triage. RankedRight eliminates this by automating the process using our sophisticated rules engine and the most up-to-date vulnerability intelligence.

Secure a new revenue opportunity by introducing vulnerability prioritisation as a service to your customers and save thousands of work-hours every month on its delivery via RankedRight. Help put your customers’ risk appetite first by providing them with a way to prioritise, delegate and manage the remediation activities that come from vulnerability scans. Enable them to supercharge their remediation efforts and still have time left over to invest in making the business better protected.

Automated vulnerability prioritisation

A wealth of benefits for you and your customers

Your Benefits

Quick and simple integration of a brand new service offering or optimisation of your current portfolio

Recurring revenue via our SaaS pricing model

A higher value service and more consistent delivery

Sales support, deal registration and joint go-to-market efforts

Customer Benefits

Greater certainty and clarity over remediation and decision making

Ability to ingest, analyse and draw conclusions from data from multiple sources

Clear tracking of each vulnerability from dentification through to close

Affordability as price is scaled to fit any sector or size of business

Unlocked time to tackle other department responsibilities

Which services could my business offer by joining the RankedRight Security Partner Program?

Personalised vulnerability ranking

By utilising the knowledge of your customer, you train our rules engine to prioritise findings that you know are going to be important for them.

End to end management of a program

Integrate all the vulnerability identification methods your customer has into RankedRight and provide your customer with a uniformed view of their entire risk within one easy to use platform.

Management of vulnerabilities

All companies have outstanding vulnerabilities that need remediation in some way. With RankedRight, you can determine how they should be dealt with and track that progress using our built-in audit trail. This allows you to provide consultancy on the status of a program or provide solutions to mitigate high priority vulnerabilities.

How does my business become a partner?

Ideal for businesses looking to enhance their existing suite of vulnerability management solutions


Complete the form to arrange a 15 minute call with one of our program leads.


We’ll talk you through the platform and the program in greater detail and assess for a good fit.


We’ll then arrange a second session to give you a full demonstration of the platform, focussing on how it can meet your needs as well as those of your customers.


We’ll draw up a commercial agreement for the partnership.


Your role in the program begins.

Join our SPP

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